Monday, June 10, 2013


                                      another part of speech that you should be familiar with

Find out the meaning of adverb by examining the following examples:

1.The robber entered the house secretly. (modify the word "entered" which is a verb)

2.She rode in an extremely fast train. (modify the word "fast" which is an adjective)

3.The athlete jumped incredibly high. (modify the word "high" which is an adverb)

Of course you had to understand the meaning of modify first.
Modify means to change or alter the meaning a certain word.
Modifying a word gives another impression or impact to the reader.

Adverb is a modifying word.

It modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

You should know that not all adverbs are ending in -ly. Just like in the example:

*She ran very fast when she heard the bell.

Very modifies the word fast, but it doesn't end in -ly.

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