Tuesday, August 13, 2013


When you heard of Possessive nouns, just think of the word "possession" or ownership. A possessive noun can be simply defined as a noun showing ownership.


Observe the following examples:


Column A                                                                Column B

1.The Teddy bear belongs to Tina.                                 Tina's Teddy bear

2.The Teddy bear is owned by Aya .                               Aya's Teddy bear

3. The Teddy bear is possessed by Tina and Aya.      Tina and Aya's Teddy bear

4.The Teddy bear of the kids                                            Kids' Teddy bear


       Tina's ,Aya's,Tina and Aya's , and Kids' are examples of Possesive nouns. The words " Tina ,Aya and kids are originally nouns, but what makes them possessives is the presence of apostrophe ( ' )and "s". The presence of these suggests that a thing , or an attribute belongs to someone or something.


       "Apostrophe" and "s" signify possessives. So when you heard of the word possessives, come to think also of "apostrophe and "s". Forming the possessive nouns is just a matter of placing "apostrophe" and "s" in their proper places.



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